Home Plate Farm was located on 558 Dutton Road in Sudbury, Massachusetts. It was owned by baseball legend Babe Ruth and his first wife Helen from 1916 to 1926. Ruth had previously rented a modest cottage on Willis Pond while still with the Red Sox. That is where a supposed piano sinking took place. A few versions have Ruth tossin…
Home Plate Farm was located on 558 Dutton Road in Sudbury, Massachusetts. It was owned by baseball legend Babe Ruth and his first wife Helen from 1916 to 1926. Ruth had previously rented a modest cottage on Willis Pond while still with the Red Sox. That is where a supposed piano sinking took place. A few versions have Ruth tossing the piano into the pond, but more likely that he and friends pushed it out onto the ice for a daytime party, and then left it there rather than try to push it back up the hill to the cabin.