Overlook, also known as the Burrell Mansion, is a historic home located at Little Falls in Herkimer County, New York. It was designed by architect Archimedes Russell and built about 1889 for industrialist and inventor David H. Burrell. It is a three-story, asymmetrical masonry building. It features three full height towers, two rounded with conical roofs and …Overlook, also known as the Burrell Mansion, is a historic home located at Little Falls in Herkimer County, New York. It was designed by architect Archimedes Russell and built about 1889 for industrialist and inventor David H. Burrell. It is a three-story, asymmetrical masonry building. It features three full height towers, two rounded with conical roofs and one polygonal. Also on the property is a contributing carriage house and caretaker's cottage.