independence square tashkent uzbekistan

Independence Square is a central square of Tashkent, Uzbekistan. After the proclamation of Uzbekistan's independence in September 1991, "Lenin Square" was renamed in 1992 as "Mustaqillik Maydoni", which translates to "Independence Square" in English. The monument to Lenin was dismantled, and in its place the Monument of Independence of Uzbekā€¦
Independence Square is a central square of Tashkent, Uzbekistan. After the proclamation of Uzbekistan's independence in September 1991, "Lenin Square" was renamed in 1992 as "Mustaqillik Maydoni", which translates to "Independence Square" in English. The monument to Lenin was dismantled, and in its place the Monument of Independence of Uzbekistan, in the form of the globe, was erected. Later, in front of the pedestal was set a figure of a woman, symbolising the Motherland.
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