So numerous were the removals in the city of Washington that the business of the place seems paralyzed.” No, that isn’t an account of President Donald Trump’s first weeks in office. It is a ...
Andrew Jackson's tombstone is etched ... an image that is taking a beating during the 2016 presidential campaign as Democrats cast off Jackson and Thomas Jefferson from state party fundraising ...
Jackson was born in the then remote Waxhaws region of the Carolinas, on March 15, 1767. His parents were Scots-Irish immigrants, and his father died just three weeks shy of Jackson’s birth. One of ...
In an otherwise excellent column (“Trump’s Echo of 1829,” op-ed, Feb. 27) Karl Rove contends that President Andrew Jackson “presided over the ‘Tariff of Abominations.’” This requires ...
Describe the outcome of the “special election” and why Jackson and his supporters called it a “subversion of democracy.” ...
By the early 19th century, rivalries among political factions ... party system in the era of Andrew Jackson, advocacy replaced commemoration. Commemorative clothing buttons, sewing boxes, and crockery ...