The unsettling series, on Viaplay, brings a Swedish kidnapping victim to a detailed reconstruction of a bunker where she was ...
The producers of The Curious Case of Natalia Grace have six other bizarre and disturbing stories lined up for Investigation Discovery, and the docuseries The Curious Case Of… will delve into each one, ...
Here are the best true crime shows and documentaries so far this year. 1. 'American Nightmare' Netflix started 2024 strong with "American Nightmare," which tells the story of a bizarre kidnapping.
Matthew Muller, a convicted rapist in federal prison, is now charged with abducting 2 men and a woman and forcing them to pay their own ransom in 2015.
A new Netflix release hailed 'the best true crime drama in years' is based on a chilling, real-life story. The four-part ...