The first ten Bankai in Bleach showcased a powerful hierarchy with unique melee, ranged, and elemental abilities.
Bankai are always some of the most powerful and striking techniques in Bleach, and here's a breakdown of how every Bankai ranks from worst to best.
One of the best aspects of Bleach is its Bankai, a part of the power system which upgrades the user's sword. Bankai has many shapes and sizes, ranging from useless abilities to overpowered attacks.
New anime original content in Bleach part 4 may include Hisagi's Bankai revealed for the first time, expanding on the manga.
Here's everything you need to know about Bleach Rebirth of Souls, from its release date, roster, and if you can play early.
Unlike other Soul Reapers, Yoruichi was more reliant on her physical abilities than using any weapons, or a Zanpaku-to to be ...