Once prevalent in every ocean except the Arctic and Antarctic, the leatherback population is rapidly declining in many parts of the world. While all other sea turtles have hard, bony shells ...
Bleakney recognized it as a leatherback, the biggest of all sea turtles. Leatherbacks ... the product of so-called gigantothermy, a set of features that may keep leatherbacks 12 de-grees F ...
Leatherback turtles undertake an enormous migration from the temperate feeding waters to the tropical breeding waters, a journey of over 7,000km. These turtles are increasingly spending time ...
DESCRIPTION: The leatherback sea turtle is distinguished by its soft, leathery shell, which is predominantly black and made of tough, oil-saturated connective tissue. Its flippers lack claws and are ...
When an Albanian fisherman pulled in a 1,700 pound endangered leatherback turtle an Italian fish trader offered him a used Mercedes for the catch. Much to the chagrin of the Albanian Natural ...
A rare leatherback turtle left a nest in New Smyrna Beach over the weekend, marking the earliest point in a year that a turtle has nested on a county-managed beach in recorded history, according ...
A giant leatherback sea turtle was struggling ... minimal damage to the flipper. Overall, the turtle appeared healthy, active, and in great body condition, so we suspect it will do very well ...
SACRAMENTO, Calif.— The California Fish and Game Commission voted today to protect leatherback sea turtles as endangered under the state’s Endangered Species Act. The commission acted on the ...
MUROTO, Kochi Prefecture--An endangered leatherback sea turtle found dead in a fishing net in local waters here in June had swallowed two plastic bags, an autopsy of its stomach contents showed.
Leatherback turtles are difficult to see from boats, often raising only their heads from the water. Photo / Nathan Pettigrew Experts from the United States, Australia and Aotearoa are taking ...