Guernsey animator Adam Le Gallez has created a new animation for George Michael's song Careless Whisper. Le Gallez said he ...
He might never have cared for it that much, once saying that he was puzzled as to why people loved it so much, but Careless ...
Shirlie: “‘Careless Whisper’ was the first thing I heard long before Wham! or record deals, because he wrote that when he was 17. I’d just picked Andrew up and he played me a tape of ...
Video animations created by a young islander for two of the biggest hits of the 1980s have gained more than half a million views on YouTube within a few weeks of release.
Guernsey animator Adam Le Gallez has created a new animation for George Michael's song Careless Whisper. Le Gallez said he was approached by Michael's team to animate a lyric video for the re ...