RELATED: If Your Parents Taught You These Skills Growing Up, You're Probably A Very Calm Adult Now ...
The core of my program of research concerns the legal and psychological responses to crimes against children. Much of my research is concerned with children’s abilities and limitations in the context ...
the brain will move it from the short-term memory into the long-term memory store”, says Jane. For your child, this could be anything, from recognising grandparents they don’t see often ...
A recent study published in JAMA Network Open showed that asthma is associated with poorer memory, particularly in those who ...
Children with asthma may be more likely to have memory problems, a study shows. Early onset of asthma has also been found to ...
The fast pace of modern urban living can be mentally and physically draining. Add the strains of a pandemic, and these ...
The idea of having children connect with nature has long been held up as beneficial for the body and mind. Time spent outdoors has been linked with improved attention spans, better memory ...
Throughout her undergrad she was involved in researching memory in both children and adults. She completed her honours thesis examining the development and possible neural networks of prehension. For ...