A bill in the Alabama House would require students to start their school day by reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and then saying a prayer.
43 Prayer and Christian life are inseparable, for they concern the same love and the same renunciation, proceeding from love.44 Prayer is commonly held to be a conversation. In a conversation ...
the family is the ‘domestic Church’ where God’s children learn to pray ‘as the Church’ and to persevere in prayer.” The dignity and vocation of the Christian family cannot be ...
Q: With the change in administration, it’s exciting to hear that parents will be more empowered to decide on educational ...
One pupil from a Muslim background said she felt "unwelcomed" because Islam, unlike Christianity, did not feature in assemblies. When pupils were asked to pray, she said she would cover her ears ...
Youth-group participants are among the few children who have had their drawings and letters received by the Holy Father.