Scientists have studied trees depicted in various works of art and found they follow relatively simple mathematical rules also found in branching patterns in nature.
Complex networks and fractal analysis are two interrelated fields that explore the intricate structures and behaviors of various systems, from social networks to biological systems. Complex ...
Fractals are patterns that repeat themselves at different sizes, creating complex structures from simple rules. They are ...
Researchers from Max Planck Institute and Philipps University in Marburg have discovered the first fractal structure at the ...
The paper outlines the necessary materials and techniques for constructing these detectors and addresses challenges associated with their complex fractal design. "This paper aims to present the ...
The paper outlines the necessary materials and techniques for constructing these detectors and addresses challenges associated with their complex fractal design. “This paper aims to present the ...
Fractals are geometric objects that have a very complicated ... systems that arise when you iterate a simple function like f(z)= z*z + c. Here z and c are complex numbers. You can think of a complex ...