Redbuds are deciduous trees adored for their pink or white spring flowers and unique heart-shaped leaves. Pruning helps keep ...
We all know that Leaves are green in Summer, change to beautiful reds and oranges in Autumn, fall off in Winter, only to bud again in Spring. But most people don’t know why these seasonal phenomena ...
However, lime tree leaves can be harvested for several months of the year. Harvest time varies of course with location and climate, but in Germany, the season for collecting young deciduous tree ...
I often wonder what our parkways would look like in winter if the crape myrtles planted there possessed colorful bark.
So we can see here are the roots, down here. This is its stem. And these are the leaves. Some plants, like deciduous trees, have lots of leaves in the summer but lose them in winter. Others like ...
I wonder what this tree is? It has a wide trunk with thick, rough and grooved bark that's dark in colour. Its leaves have rounded lobes, but since they've fallen off, it means it's a deciduous tree.