Designer Yu Ando drew inspiration from the Technics SL-1200 turntable for this retro-looking timepiece.
Paul Oakenfold is selling a load of memorabilia from his long, starry career, including these amazing turntables. Find out ...
Wear your vinyl-loving heart on your sleeve? A limited edition Technics SL-1200-inspired watch can help with that.
It uses superior materials such as an acrylic platter; the heaviest plinth of the non-DJ turntables we tested; great sound-isolation feet; and the best supplied phono cartridge in our testing ...
The devices are CD players that have a slip pad disc like a platter on an analog turntable. The DJ holds and reverses the slip pad to produce scratchy sounds and other special effects that are ...
To find the best turntables, I tested several on my own ... don’t get a Crosley,” says DJ Prestige of the DJ-focused website Fleamarket Funk, who says that if you’re serious about your ...
Traditionally the role of the DJ was to play records on the turntable, mixing in one track after the other. The emergence of a new music genre, hip hop, produced DJs who were significantly more ...