There are two proximal biceps tendon attachments at the shoulder joint, and a single distal biceps tendon at the elbow. The reason it is called the biceps ('bi,' meaning two) is that there are two ...
The upper part of the biceps is called the proximal biceps. Proximal biceps tendonitis is tendonitis of the tendon that connects the upper part of the biceps to the shoulder. Biceps tendonitis can ...
The tendon that attaches the lower part of the biceps to the elbow is the distal tendon. The tendons that attach the top of the biceps muscle to the shoulder are the proximal tendons. Biceps ...
At surgery, the proximal biceps femoris tendon and semitendonosus ... the first reported case of a biceps tendon rupture proximally (hamstring tendon) followed by distal biceps femoris rupture at the ...
Introduction The biceps brachii muscle is the primary forearm supinator and a secondary elbow flexor. The pathophysiology of distal tendon ruptures is still unclear. Patients with chronic rupture ...
The proximal region of the biceps femoris (BF) seems to be the most common site of injury. Elongation of the fascicles in eccentric contractions is higher in the proximal region compared to the distal ...
A shortcut review was carried out to see whether the hook test is sensitive enough for a negative result to exclude complete distal biceps tendon rupture (DBTR) in adults. 3 papers presented the best ...