Edwin Powell Hubble is renowned for determining that there are other galaxies in the Universe beyond the Milky Way, and for observing that the universe is expanding at a constant rate. Hubble was ...
The two keys to Edwin Hubble's breakthrough discovery were forged by others in the 1910s. The first key, the period-luminosity scale discovered by Henrietta Leavitt, allowed astronomers to ...
Leavitt worked at Harvard College Observatory as a "computer ... Shapley argued the opposite. Hubble enters the fray Edwin Hubble joined the Mount Wilson Observatory team in California in 1919 ...
In 1912, Harvard College Observatory Director Edward Pickering ... as to the nature of the nebulae was still in doubt. Enter Edwin Hubble. Hubble and the Hooker 100-inch Telescope Hubble arrived ...
The Hubble constant is one of the most important numbers in cosmology because it tells us how fast the universe is expanding, which can be used to determine the age of the universe and its history. It ...