it aimed to give audiences a Full Cronenberg jolt. "Crimes of the Future" certainly wasn't boring, but there was something weirdly academic about it. It was a body-horror movie that kept growing ...
David Cronenberg's Crimes of the Future triumphs at Cannes after director predicted walkouts in first 5 minutes David Cronenberg expects walkouts in 'first 5 minutes' at premiere of Crimes of the ...
This is Cronenberg at his most surgically didactic, foregoing any sense of traditional plot momentum or gestures at realism to deliver a pitiless indictment of a world run rampant by the specter of ...
With appearances by Cate Blanchett, Amy Adams and David Cronenberg With the camera flashes so plentiful, it's no wonder hometown auteur David Cronenberg showed up to Tuesday's Roy Thomson Hall red ...