Directed by Ridley Scott, "House of Gucci" is a biographical drama about the Gucci family, their fashion empire, and the shocking murder that upended their lives. The story is based on the book of ...
If you're looking to buy a new home and have $15 million laying around, you just might be able to buy the Gucci family villa ...
Allegra Gucci’s first palpable memory was aboard her family’s sailboat, the 214-foot Creole. As she recalls growing up, the world’s largest wooden sailing superyacht formed a playful cocoon ...
Lady Gaga will reportedly star in Sir Ridley Scott's upcoming film about the killing of Maurizio Gucci. According to Deadline, Lady Gaga will play Gucci's ex-wife, Patrizia Reggiani, who was found ...
Guccio Gucci—in 1951. Before its price cut this week, the home, which is still in the hands of the family, was asking €15 million. MORE: An Austin Entrepreneur Created an off-the-Grid Dream ...