Patients with symptomatic severe aortic stenosis undergoing CoreValve or Evolut TAVI have better 5-year bioprosthetic valve ...
Mechanical heart valves have improved long-term survival benefit over biological valves for patients aged 50-70 years, new ...
In contrast, bioprosthetic valves ... on anticoagulation." Bowdish and colleagues extrapolated upon their findings and highlighted the implications regarding surgery versus transcatheter aortic ...
“We've never figured out what the anticoagulation or antiplatelet regimens should be in our TAVR patients, and this might be a really good way,” she added. Mehran reiterated that the higher incidence ...
"The decision between a bioprosthetic and a mechanical valve is one of the most consequential for patients requiring aortic valve replacement," said Dr. Michael Bowdish, lead author of the study ...
Increasing numbers of patients require aortic valve surgery ... either a homograft or the pretreated stentless xenograft bioprosthesis. Survival of patients after 8 years was about 80% for ...