Jeb Bush found himself in a similar place ... while operatives view Trump and DeSantis as being in the same "lane." But today, just like in 2016, both Florida men appear to have a path to the ...
Bush is seen as a strong fiscal conservative who cut taxes and state government spending repeatedly as governor. Top issues: ...
America's independent judiciary is under "grave attack" from politicians who wish to delegitimize the court system, Arizona ...
Jeb Bush may be seeing the bold exclamation point ... and commentary free for all to read because we believe, especially today, that everyone deserves access to fair, thoughtful, inclusive ...
Education choice in Florida will continue to evolve in ways we cannot predict today. That’s because ... the benefits will be shared by all. Jeb Bush was governor of Florida from 1999-2007 ...
Today, Jeb Bush will. He will release a bold reform agenda that would transform federal higher-education policy. (Full disclosure: We worked as informal advisers on Governor Bush’s higher ...
I read with great interest the column written by Jeb Bush (“Education choice has something for everyone,” Feb. 23). The privileged former governor should know better than to say that ...
The 2016 gaffe wars have finally begun. Oh, there have been gaffes before now in this presidential race, but the one Jeb Bush uttered on Wednesday — that in order to get our economy moving ...
House Speaker John Boehner is eager for a centrist GOP candidate; a Capitol Hill aide close to him told MailOnline he 'will go to the mat for Jeb' But Bush's daughter was arrested in 2002 after ...
The days of breathless anticipation are over, and Jeb Bush — or, as his new logo would have it, "Jeb!" — has finally become a real live candidate. And while there were many interesting things ...
An curved arrow pointing right. After Jeb Bush tweeted a photo of himself standing in front of a green screen, an epic Photoshop battle exploded on Reddit. Produced by Jenner Deal Follow BI Video ...