Kobo has increased the price of its color and black-and-white e-readers in both the US and Canada.
As far as pricing goes, the Kobo Clara BW now costs $139.99, while the Clara Colour comes in at $159.99, along with the Libra ...
Rakuten Kobo is planning to implement some paid services for its e-readers. These services will be subscription-based, giving ...
Using OverDrive on a Kobo is as seamless as buying a book from the Kobo store. Kobo e-readers, on the other hand, come with OverDrive baked in and ready to use. When you search for a book on the ...
Both are available to pre-order now directly from the Kobo Store, although the Kobo Sage has already sold out. If you’d like to wait till they hit stores, you’ll have to wait till October 19.
Even as the Amazon Kindle e-reader remains unavailable in the Indian market, a new e-reader from Kobo launches here. Can it ...
Luckily, the Kobo store has a wide variety of titles and genres available for purchase — or you can opt to join Kobo Audiobooks for $10 a month. New subscribers can try the service out for free ...
Kobo's online store sells e-versions of textbooks and other reading materials that may be required for classes, making this device an ideal all-in-one option. The Kobo Elipsa is sold in a pack ...
Kobo has raised the prices of some of its e-reader devices globally. The Kobo Clara BW, the Kobo Clara Colour, and the Kobo ...