Liam Neeson has starred in several famous movie franchises, but there was one that he decided to turn down. The role ended up ...
Liam Neeson threw out his thoughts on the greatest movie star working in America today, which isn't that divisive at all.
The Irish actor shot to fame after incredible action movies including the Taken franchise, and now fans are debating what ...
Though the best Liam Neeson movies ... Going over my all-time Letterboxd stats recently, I noticed that behind Samuel L. Jackson but competitive with almost everyone else on my list of most ...
A Walk Among the Tombstones is one of Liam Neeson's most celebrated works; the movie is the encapsulation of humanity's inner ...
Liam Neeson has been an actor for a long time, but only one movie made him feel like he was rubbing shoulders with John, Paul, George, and Ringo.
In 2015, the Taken saga came to an end with the third film starring Liam Neeson. But does Taken 3 hold up ten years later?
Liam Neeson is now one of the most recognizable action stars of all time, as ever since the success ... suffered in comparison to Schindler’s List, which earned him his first and only Academy ...
Whether he's taking down Albanian thugs or big-city mayors, the soulful Irishman picks his fights (and his roles) with care. At 64, he still knows how to throw a punch. Neeson carries this mug ...