In the sea of male sushi chefs throughout the culinary industry, chef Nikki Zheng is a fresh face. She’s one of the chefs ...
Chef Asma Khan is the founder of Darjeeling Express ... Her secret for success in such a male-dominated industry? Knowing that everything she does is not just for herself, but the women who ...
Chefs Chris Leach, Tommy Banks and Tom Zahir Browne have all seen sexism in kitchens throughout their career – and agree that the culture needs to change ...
Female chefs have been left feeling burned after only one UK or Irish restaurant run by a woman was among the 22 to win a coveted Michelin star this month. To make matters worse, the woman ...
As a prominent male figure in a sector that generates an estimated £93 billion annually and is the third-largest employer in Britain, Atherton is not alone in his views. Chef Heston Blumenthal ...