The much-anticipated fourth installment of the Bad Boys series is out this summer and the action comedy features heroes Detective Mike Lowrey and his partner, Marcus Burnett. Movie action heroes are ...
A franchise of films about the cop duo Mike Lowrey and Marcus Burnett, blowing stuff up and crazy car chases. They get the job done but at an expensive cost.
Marcus Burnett is a hen-pecked family man. Mike Lowry is a foot-loose and fancy free ladies' man. Both are Miami policemen, and both have 72 hours to reclaim a consignment of drugs stolen from ...
A franchise of films about the cop duo Mike Lowrey and Marcus Burnett, blowing stuff up and crazy car chases. They get the job done but at an expensive cost.
UPND, don’t be fooled underestimate Edgar Lungu at your own peril. His political script may not include him on the ballot, but it doesn’t mean he’s out of the game. He’s a wildcard, and whether you ...
When their late police captain gets linked to drug cartels, wisecracking Miami cops Mike Lowrey and Marcus Burnett embark on a dangerous mission to clear his name.