This year marks 50 years since the Cincinnati Ballet first staged a production of the 19th-century classic story "The Nutcracker" with the same beloved Nutcracker Prince, the same sparkling Sugar ...
Barbara visits the Ballet Tech of Ohio to feature Nutcrackers stars and ... SO THEN WE PUT ON THE BALLET PERFORMANCE OF THE NUTCRACKER, YULEE'S OWN LITTLE VERSION HE MADE UP IN THE MOVIE.
It took more than a year, but Cincinnati Ballet finally named a permanent ... Now, just before the company begins its 50th season of “Nutcracker” performances on Dec. 19, the time seemed ...
The magician and toymaker Drosselmeyer (voiced by the plum tones of Simon Callow) gives his goddaughter Clara what seems to be a plain nutcracker for Christmas. The young ballet student falls ...