Revelation 22:19 All Christians - Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant - agree that the Books in the Bible are the inspired, written Word of God but disagree on which Books belong in the Bible.
Mathewes-Green: In the book, I say that the Eastern Orthodox have not had a lot of ... and keep reading the bible.” That simplifies things. You just keep showing up. You don’t have to get ...
The dealer bought the scrolls and sold them to the Syrian Orthodox Archbishop ... production of printed books. The first complete book Gutenberg printed was the Bible, which he ran off his Mainz ...
God is odd about sex. The Bible and Christian writings are odder yet. If all this weirdness affected only believers, it would ...
Marriage”, according to a possibly apocryphal 12-year-old in a Confirmation class, “is one of the looser sacraments.” That ...
The NRSV Apocrypha comprise all the deuterocanonical texts approved by the Protestant, Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox ... book as well as to the Apocrypha as a whole, shedding new light on the ...
William Dever, Professor Emeritus of the University of Arizona, has investigated the archeology of the ancient Near East for more than 30 years and authored almost as many books on the subject.
I was invited to teaching at a church in which one of the members said to me, “We’re a Bible-Only Church”—meaning that they ...
We changed the ordering of the deuterocanonical books—many of which are part of the canon, not apocryphal, for the Orthodox and Catholic communities—to be more in keeping with the Greek Orthodox ...
Mukhtar M. Isse, a former tailor, rebinds old Quran holy books at Shaafici mosque in Minneapolis. This story comes to you ...
In 2024, Gefen Publishing House in Israel, which also publishes my books, published Devorah Kigel’s Marry a Mensch, Timeless Jewish Wisdom for Today’s Single Woman. Devorah Kigel is a successful ...
Orthodox singer ... such as the Book of Eicha (Lamentations). She described her latest project of telling the stories of the women of the Bible through music, "something men don't necessarily ...