Poison ivy (Toxicodendron radicans) is a vine that contains an oily resin known as urushiol. According to the Centers for ...
Another plant you really want to avoid touching is the wild parsnip. These look related to the aforementioned giant hogweed, ...
Poison ivy vines aren't ready to produce the bright green leaves as it covers a fence post near Adamsville, Penn. THE BLADE/DAVID PATCH Buy This Image Poison ivy heavily infests this lilac bush at ...
When you’re spending time outdoors this summer, in your own yard or hiking in a park, it’s useful to know to spot poison ivy.
Poison ivy annoys with its notorious skin rash. And common milkweed may be prolific once its pods open, but it’s a native species that hosts butterfly larvae. Plant by plant, it can help to ...
The plant may have yellow or green flowers or yellow-green berries, depending on the time of year. Like poison ivy and poison sumac, poison oak releases an oil called urushiol when it sustains damage.
We recently used Pulverize Brush & Vine Killer in our yard to combat a particularly stubborn patch of Poison Ivy. We were impressed with how quickly the product worked to kill the ivy and prevent ...