Don’t fancy Russian twists? Try plank windmills instead ... dumbbells to increase the intensity or work with your body weight if you’re short on equipment. Below, I demonstrate how to do ...
After a little bit of social media scrolling through the best ab workouts, I discovered cycling Russian twists and committed to completing 70 of them every day for a week. Not to be confused with ...
Unlike yogic twists which tend to work your rectus abdominus, this Russian twist ensures that ... For greater resistance work, hold an additional weight between your knees before lowering your ...
Sit on the floor with your knees bent and feet off the ground. Hold a weight or medicine ball and rotate your torso from side ...
This week: Russian twists. Your abs and your core aren’t the same thing. Your abs are actually just your abdominal muscles running down the middle of your trunk, while your core is a whole group ...