In Hyderabad, a fruit seller was seen selling a single banana for Rs 100 to a foreigner. Read more to know the details of the ...
A viral Instagram video features a foreigner being charged ₹100 for a single banana in Hyderabad, amusing viewers with ...
Bananas are incredibly good for you thanks to their energizing, potassium-rich, and antioxidative properties. Read on for ...
Bananas thrive in bunches, but what happens to the ones separated from the bunch? Unsold detached bananas, often discarded ...
Many food waste reduction plans mention single bananas as a particular problem . This is a different issue to that of consumers rejecting“wonky” fruit and vegetables which fail to meet ...
Bananas are a sociable fruit. They thrive in bunches ... But what about the ones which get separated from the bunch? Cast aside as single entities, they become isolated and alone.
Bananas are a sociable fruit. They thrive in bunches ... But what about the ones which get separated from the bunch? Cast aside as single entities, they become isolated and alone.