A solar eclipse in the year 2471 BC may have influenced architectural change in Egypt, challenging Pharaonic traditions.
This week’s first small-telescope target is Sirius B ... that the term is from Siris, an ancient name of the Nile. When this star became visible to the Egyptians and Ethiopians, rising just ...
Astronomers measure a star’s brightness using the apparent magnitude system, where lower values indicate brighter stars. Sirius, Canopus, Alpha Centau ...
The night sky has long captivated the human imagination, and ancient civilizations ... stars and the rhythms of the Nile. Rather than relying on the constellations we recognize today, the Egyptians ...
People today ring in the new year with parties, fireworks and Champagne toasts, but the ancient Egyptians also celebrated ... when the star Sirius rose "from below the eastern horizon just after ...
In 2024, archaeologists uncovered a scene on the ceiling of the Temple of Khnum in Upper Egypt ... the star Sirius rises. According to Live Science, the discovery sheds new light on the ancient ...
Ancient Egyptians called their land "Kemet," which meant "black," after the black fertile silt-layered soil that was left behind each year during the annual innundation, when the Nile flooded the ...