Thirty-five vape-detecting sensors were recently installed at Manheim Township High School following a jump in the use of ...
We can’t have smart guns but we could get smart vapes The FDA says it may accelerate review of e-cig features like geofencing and biometrics that would make the devices hard for kids to vape.
Owners at local vape shops in Kalamazoo are concerned about the impacts a newly proposed tax on vape products could have on ...
According to the lawsuit “Demand Vape maintains close ties with international ... There's a new type of smart calendar that automatically organizes your life There’s a new type of smart ...
LONDON, Feb 24 (Reuters) - Sales of unauthorised, flavoured disposable vapes in the United States amounted to around $2.4 billion in 2024, or 35% of the e-cigarettes from outlets such as ...
As part of her annual budget proposal to lawmakers, Whitmer brought up potentially taxing vape products. But what exactly is she proposing? 13 OYS lays out the plan.
The suit, which names popular vape manufacturers including Puff Bar, PVG2, EVO Brands, Demand Vape, Magellan Technology, Midwest Goods, Pod Juice, Safa Goods, Mi-One Brands, Mylé Vape ...
As well as increasing the risk of contracting viral infections, sharing a vape can increase the possibility of contracting herpes, which causes cold sores around your mouth and is spread by ...
James said the defendants did this despite knowing the health risks, and despite a 2020 state law that bans sales of flavored vapor products and requires vape purchasers to be at least 21.
Proponents of the bill say it is aimed at protecting youth and cracking down on Chinese vape products. Critics say it will put vape stores out of business and harm consumers seeking safer ...