How many trains are there from Akalkot Road to Solapur? There are 9 direct trains that run between Akalkot Road and Solapur. The train schedules consist of 8 daily and 1 weekly trains. These include ...
To enhance passenger convenience , Central Railway has increased the speed of 44 pairs of trains from 110 kmph to 130 kmph on the Daund-Solapur-Wadi section. This upgrade, implemented after ...
Cancellation of trains Train No. 56906 SSS Hubballi-Solapur Daily Passenger will be cancelled from Feb 17 to 25. Train No. 07321 Solapur-Dharwad Daily Passenger Special will be cancelled from Feb ...
Dharam Veer Meena, General Manager, Central Railway felicitated 11 Central Railway staff i.e. 4 from Mumbai Division, 3 from ...
How many trains are there from Solapur to Akalkot Road? There are 9 direct trains that run between Solapur and Akalkot Road. The train schedules consist of 8 daily and 1 weekly trains. These include ...