Based on a manhwa by author Chugong, Solo Leveling revolves around the story of Jinwoo, a hapless hunter struggling through ...
Following its success in webtoons, games, and animation, the Korean IP powerhouse Solo Leveling is set to conquer yet another ...
Solo Leveling’s female lead, Cha Hae-in, in particular, suffers a lot of setbacks because of her portrayal in the manhwa. Unfortunately, the anime portrays her in the same way as the manhwa, which is ...
With Solo Leveling season 2 having started airing, the anime has brought Sung Jinwoo back to our screens with a new look. While most fans are elated by what's to come, others have already become ...
Anybody who started watching Solo Leveling season 1 and immediately thought it couldn’t compete with other hit anime series needs to apologise (sound familiar?), as season 2 hits the ground running.