De Oude stad van Lamu ligt op een eiland met dezelfde naam, 350 kilometer ten noorden van Mombasa. Het is het oudste en best bewaarde voorbeeld van een Swahili nederzetting in Oost-Afrika, met behoud ...
Uamuzi wa kaunti ya Mombasa kuamuru wamiliki wa majumba yote katikati mwa mji huo yapakwe rangi ya samawati na nyeupe umezua hisia tofauti huku baadhi ya wakaazi wakifurahia mabadiliko hayo na ...
Maelezo ya sauti, Treni iliyokuwa ikisafirisha mafuta kupata ajali Mombasa 21 Mei 2018 Wanajeshi nchini Kenya wamelazimika kutoa msaada wa uokozi baada ya Treni iliyokuwa ikisafirisha mafuta ...
Mombasa Roots, which gave us Mama Sofia ... became the cultural frame for those who could not enter the “Arab-Swahili-Indian Ocean imagination” and this also influenced their musical choices ...
July 7 has so much significance for Swahili and Swahili speakers. Besides the Saba Saba civil disobedience proposed by the opposition, the name itself is a Swahili phrase to mean the seventh day ...
Built and occupied first by the Portuguese, Fort Jesus, Mombasa, changed hands many times throughout its history, coming under Arab, Swahili and English control. Its important role in the control of ...
Later, in 1593, they built Fort Jesus, the biggest fortress of all in Mombasa, hoping to crush the opposition of the sultan permanently. Moving inland, the Portuguese seized Swahili trading posts ...
Culture Musical Club violinist Khamis Shehe She teamed up with musicians and poets from Mombasa and the island of Lamu off the Kenyan coast, which was then considered to be the home of Swahili ...
Mombasa Old Town has history, culture, and architecture. Walk its streets, through the colourful Swahili buildings, influenced by Arab, Portuguese, and British cultures. Don't miss the Old Port ...