The story follows Goku—the strongest fighter on the planet— from childhood to adulthood as he trains in martial arts and searches the world for the seven Dragon Balls. The Dragon Ball TV ...
He now scours the earth looking for the seven dragon balls, which, once brought together, summon a mighty dragon that grants one wish - a wish which might ease his unending hunger. The king's ...
Crunchyroll has almost everything related to Dragon Ball available to watch, so we made it easy for you to pick out what to watch from the ocean of content. Check out this list of the seven best ...
The Hyperbolic Time Chamber is arguably one of the most unique places in the world of Dragon Ball. How does it work?
The cheapest paid tier on Crunchyroll, on the other hand, is only $7.99/£4.99 a month. And you won't have to pay any extra charges to watch Dragon Ball either. Crunchyroll is also streaming ...
Gohan and Piccolo have one of the closest relationships in Dragon Ball, and one of the results of their time together is the ...
After all, Moro broke out tons of prisoners from the team’s jail, and that freed Seven-Three. Now, as far as Dragon Ball fans knew up until now, Seven-Three was killed by Moro. The villain used ...