1. I, the Lord, am your God. You shall not have other gods besides me. 2. You shall not take the name of the Lord, your God, in vain. 3. Remember to keep holy the Lord's day. 4. Honor your father ...
Allegedly the Catholic Church condones statue worship. Now one version of the Ten Commandments can be found in the fifth chapter of the Book of Deuteronomy (also Exodus 20). Comparing Deut.
Eighteen South Dakota senators voted to pass a bill Tuesday afternoon that would require the display and curricular inclusion ...
A South Dakota Senator wants to require every classroom in South Dakota to display the Ten Commandments. Republican John ...
The conservative-dominated high court has issued several decisions in recent years signaling a willingness to allow public ...
The North Dakota Legislature is holding hearings on whether schools should post the Ten Commandments. Can distinctive ...
They want young people in the state to consider the role of religion in our nation’s history and have mandated the posting of the Ten Commandments in public-school classrooms. Before the law can ...
State Sen. John Carley has a hopeful vision behind his bill that would make it mandatory for the Ten Commandments, and other founding documents, to be displayed in publicly funded elementary ...
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) — Giving public schools across the Volunteer State the choice to post the Ten Commandments is the goal of a Middle Tennessee lawmaker. Critics say the idea crosses the ...