Peacock’s The Traitors has way more rules ... There were security guards making sure you never left your room. And we had long days, from breakfast to challenge to banishment,” she details.
It all comes down to the final roundtable. Britney and Dylan both lay out their evidence. It ends with Britney getting voted out. The remaining players must meet at the firepit to discuss if they ...
TV legend Lorraine Kelly has turned down Celebrity Traitors after secret talks to star on the popular BBC show. The Scottish presenter, 65, was "flattered" when she was approached by bosses for ...
These are just a few things to expect from season 3 of The Traitors. The season premiered ... The next morning, waiting to see who would appear at breakfast, Ciara declared, “I swear to god ...
At breakfast, Britney told Dolores, Ivar and Dylan that Gabby was a Faithful. This threw off Dylan, as he was sure Britney was a Traitor (he was, obviously, right). Dylan continued voicing his ...