On Thursday, the NH House voted to table a bill that would eventually raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2028.
By undoing a Biden-era wage rule, Trump has made it possible for workers under federal contracts to see their pay rates go ...
President Donald Trump scrapped Biden-era executive orders that raised the minimum wage for federal contractors to $15 and ...
President Trump issued an executive order ending the obligation to pay individuals working on or in connection with certain ...
Activists want to raise the minimum wage, give workers more rights to fair scheduling and full-time hours, and improve ...
“That is what voters wanted us to have when they voted in 1998,” he told Capitol ... Kavanagh pointed out that Arizonans ...
The original bill would have lowered the base wages that restaurants must pay to servers, bartenders and other employees who ...
The Florida constitution increases the minimum wage to $14 an hour on Sept. 30 and will go to $15 an hour on Sept. 30, 2026.
SB 676 would allow people applying for certain jobs to check a box saying they'd take less than minimum wage. Critics say it's ripe for abuse.
State lawmakers have backed off a plan that would have led to a steep pay cut for servers, bartenders and other tipped workers in some Colorado cities, but they still want to allow local ...