The Epic Games Launcher is a platform for distributing games and other programs created by Epic Games, as well as some programs from Unreal Engine and games from third-party game developers.
PC players should open the Epic Games launcher to begin the reconnection process. Within the launcher, navigate to your account settings. Here, you will find options to manage your linked accounts.
Once complete, you'll have your entire Epic Games library there to install from, without needing to open up a dedicated launcher ... within Junk-Store's global settings. While in the plugin ...
1] Disable applications in Startup tab in Task Manager Background applications may be interfering with the Epic Games Launcher. In this case, you can disable applications in the Startup tab in ...
Rockstar Games has finally released GTA 5 Enhanced on PC platforms like Epic Games, Steam, as well as on the Rockstar Games Launcher. This version brings some exciting features that, so far, were ...