Smith launched his career as a rapper as the Fresh Prince. In 1988 — alongside DJ Jazzy Jeff — Smith won the first Grammy ever presented in the rap performance category for "Parents Just Don't ...
Will Smith is reflecting back on his Fresh Prince of Bel-Air days. “There’s been a couple of creative relationships I’ve had that have totally transformed my life,” Smith shared.
As a rapper, actor and producer, Will Smith is a genuine triple threat. From “Jazzy Jeff” to the “French Prince” to “Man in Black,” this Philly native has made a massive impact on ...
So Smith turned to his longtime collaborator DJ Jazzy Jeff. The two worked out a demo of their own theme, a rap telling the premise of the show, in Jeff's hotel room and then Smith took it to Jones.
And the first one was Jazzy Jeff," Smith said, referring to his partner in rhyme, with whom he won the first rap Grammy for "Parents Just Don't Understand." Smith continued, "Where you meet ...
During those same years, he started a popular music career with DJ Jazzy Jeff. The duo released five studio albums together. Smith extended his music run into a solo career, which included the U.S ...