tire wear bars are designed as visual indicators to tell you how much your tires' treads have worn down. New tires usually have 9/32nds to 11/32nds of an inch of tread depth, and as per tire ...
Another way to check whether your vehicle's tires have reached their wear limit is to insert a penny into each groove, Lincoln's head down, as shown below. Replace the tire if the top of Abe's ...
Maybe you got a flat tire that one time, or maybe you wondered if winter tires are really necessary (they are, depending on where you live). Often, though, with the exception of situations like ...
Running your trucks on worn tires, especially those with irregular wear, is kind of like running a marathon in uneven shoes ...
However, it doesn't stay that way throughout your tire's lifespan. Tires naturally wear down as you use them, but they can also lose tread earlier due to inaccurate tire pressure and alignment and ...