and that's what it can feel like to exit a group chat on WhatsApp. Thankfully, you can leave a WhatsApp group chat without fellow members of the chat knowing immediately that you've left ...
New Delhi: ChatGPT maker ... ChatGPT via WhatsApp at 1-800-ChatGPT without needing an account," said OpenAI. ChatGPT, however, will never be the one to initiate a call or start a chat with you ...
So you're the CEO of a tech company and you just found out that there's a WhatsApp group of 100-plus Silicon Valley CEOs that hang out and talk about stuff, and you're not part of the chat?
For these individuals, the sense of connection that the group chat mimics can be a lifeline. For me, the whirr of WhatsApp activity in particular has saved friendships that might otherwise have ...