The adoption of both the Interim Constitution of the Republic of South Africa in 1993 and the final Constitution of the Republic of South Africa in 1996 has been a major milestone in achieving freedom ...
As jy ernstig daaroor is om God se wil te vervul, moet jy vasberadenheid hê. Een definisie van vasberadenheid is om 'n dispuut deur ‘n gesaghebbende besluit of uitspraak te besleg. Kom ons pas dit op ...
“Nou, watter van hierdie drie sou jy sê, was ‘n naaste vir die man wat deur rowers aangeval is?..” Lukas 10:36 NLV Watter tipe buurman is jy? Jesus vertel die verhaal van die Joodse reisiger wat op ...
“Ek jaag wenpaal toe, na die hemelse prys wat God aan my wil gee omdat Christus Jesus dit vir my verdien het.” Filippense 3:14 NLV Steek die lyn oor (1) In sy boek, Cross The Line, skryf Sam Parker ...
“As julle My openlik erken voor die mense, sal Ek julle ook openlik erken voor my hemelse Vader.” Matteus 10:32 NLV Oorkom jou vrees om jou geloof te deel Om jou geloof op ‘n effektiewe wyse met ander ...
Tune in to our latest podcast episode where Sowetan reporters Koena Mashale, Herman Moloi and Nandi Ntini delve into the latest political shake-ups and controversies. We start with the dramatic court ...
Hear the latest news soundbytes or interviews from KZN's No. 1 news team: East Coast Radio Newswatch. © East Coast Radio. A Wentworth man is getting set to run from ...
a Godsighting is where we celebrate the goodness and love of Jesus during this past week with your testimonies about where you have seen His hand in action in your life.
Charlene van Rooyen AKA Scallywag, has been singing and performing on stages across South Africa, and on Friday, she shared her incredible story with Martin Bester just before she wowed fans with her ...