Rounding off events at this year’s Icelandic Fisheries, Seafood & Aqua Exhibition, Mercator Media, the organisers of the ...
Skinney-Þinganes fishing company in Hornafjörður, Iceland, has signed a contract with Kælismiðjan Frost for the construction ...
Slippurinn DNG and the Norwegian company Brunvoll AS have announced a new cooperative agreement between the two companies.
Elite Seafood has selected the Wisefish solution to optimise its trade and commerce operations, with the collaboration ...
Having seen a steady decline in its commercially- and socially-important lake whitefish fishery, Great Lakes St Lawrence ...
Fish Waste for Profit conference hears 24 million tonnes of potentially edible seafood may being lost from supply chains ...
Thor Sigfusson, Founder and Chairman of the Iceland Ocean Cluster, opens the 5th Fish Waste for Profit conference ...
A new analysis from the environmental organisation reveals that nearly 40% of processed seafood products in Belgium, France, ...
Through a new partnership between Borncut and Uni-Food Technic, Icelandic processors are now able to acquire Borncut ...
Dundee, Scotland-based aquaculture technology company Ace Aquatec has expanded the presence of its products into Oceania, ...
Another steep drop in the pelagic catch – for the second month in a row – led the total volume of fish and shellfish landed ...
Aquaculture equipment, technology and service supply partner Gael Force Group has launched a recruitment drive following the ...