In the aftermath of the Kargil War, Muzzamil Hussain's family unearthed a treasure of Silk Road artefacts in their ancestral property near Kargil's bazaar.
China and Russia look like the prime suspects for severed cables in the Baltic and Taiwan Strait, Beijing and the war in Ukraine, the tech race takes off, and much more.
The number of Chinese operational nuclear warheads has increased by more than 100 to over 600, the Pentagon reported.
After unearthing a rare collection of highly prized Silk Road artefacts, a family in the Himalayas has opened a museum ...
Concerns persist over recent and potential conflicts in the Middle East, the Russia-Ukraine war and potential conflagrations ...
Afghanistan, now under the Taliban, is no longer a conflict begging to be solved with a deal. It needs a more nuanced ...
TASHKENT UZBEKISTANWASHINGTON - Uzbekistan is expected to push to deepen relations with the United States in the coming year ...
In 2023, Afghanistan signed mining contracts with local companies, many of whom have foreign partners including China, Iran, ...
This is the second part of Barry Zellen's column on the U.S. government's Arctic policy. In its 2024 Arctic Strategy, the ...
PESHAWAR, Pakistan — The Biden administration has been in talks with the Taliban to exchange Americans detained in Afghanistan for Afghans in U.S. custody, a senior Taliban leader with direct ...
"The terrorists get a vote, and they're voting to keep fighting," former Trump counterterrorism envoy Nathan Sales told ...