This footage from Berlin shows the four U.N. officials Montgomery, Eisenhower, Zhukov, and de Lattre de Tassigny meeting about German reconstruction.
Monday's ceremony in Poland is regarded as the likely last major observance of Auschwitz's liberation that any notable number ...
retired from the World Bank after a 25-year career dealing with agricultural development projects in Asia, Africa and Latin America. He said he had heard that World War II Army veterans were ...
More than 80 years after his plane crashed over Germany during WWII, Providence native Staff Sgt. Earle L. Dorr Jr.'s ...
George Patton liberated the camp during his push toward Berlin. The ruptured eardrum ... David Sample met Pressel about 30 years ago at a World War II memorial week in Reading, Pa.
It was only after the Berlin Wall fell in November 1989 ... a new German dominance over Europe and allow their former World War II enemy to unify and gain full sovereignty. The four main Allied ...
In Kreuzberg, you'll find Checkpoint Charlie, the former border gate that marked the American sector of Berlin after World War II. Checkpoint Charlie remains a significant tourist spot today ...
A full-scale replica of the secret annex where Anne Frank penned her famous diary opened in New York City on Monday as the ...
Eighty years on, Berlin seeks to strengthen and preserve ... Nazi Germany sparked World War II, with its many millions of deaths, and was responsible for the systematic murder of 6 million ...
Berlin — Poland's government adopted a resolution ... Poland's Jewish population was decimated, with more than three million killed during World War II, accounting for nearly half of all ...