Minnesota’s international bonus pool was the largest of any team in the big leagues, at $7,555,500, money the Twins are able to allocate across their international free agent signings, at their ...
Although the Minnesota Twins have done next to nothing this offseason, and that is expected to be the theme this winter. On Wednesday, however, the International Free Agent Signing Period began ...
The assessed value of James Island has dropped for the second year in a row, but does that mean it’s a good time to buy a private island? Not necessarily, experts say. Private islands might be the ...
The New York Times Mini Crossword has gained popularity as a daily favorite among puzzle enthusiasts, providing a compact and engaging version of the newspaper’s renowned crossword. The New York Times ...
Wendy: Thanks to Sally, as always, for taking the time to solve, examine and write about the puzzle. Amanda was wonderful to work with, as always. The title for this one, “Nothing’s Right ...
FRI (38D: Day after Thurs.) It's a small thing, but it makes me happy that this puzzle is appearing on Friday (FRI.). UTAH (55D: Salt Lake City's state) Salt Lake City is the capital of UTAH.