They may tell us they hate chores, but kids who help around the house report feeling accomplished and competent, not to ...
Is there a way to clean your baseboards without bending over? Unfortunately, no, but at least these sponges work.
While scrubbing toilets is at the top of our personal list, according to Yelp’s data, the most-hated chore in America is ...
Spring cleaning means different things to different people, just like spring can be the middle of March when the Minnesota ...
I f you’re at all like me, spring cleaning can be something of a domino situation. I might start by cleaning the baseboards, ...
Some specialty cleaning tools are gimmicky. These are actually useful. When it's time for spring cleaning season hits, ...
Cleaning isn't everyone's forte and a task that tends to be avoided. Interestingly, but not surprisingly, studies have shown ...
If you're going to give your house a deep cleaning, you should do it right, so avoid these seven common housecleaning ...
Your hallway will see a lot of traffic but with so much coming and going, shoes strewn about and coats piled up there are ...
Forget the gym, deep cleaning your bathroom can burn over 1,000 calories a day. According to new research, scrubbing, mopping ...
I hate cleaning my baseboards. For nearly every other cleaning task you can think of, I have a reminder set on my phone so I never forget to do it. Clean the bathroom? Check. Wash the comforter?
We think there's nothing better than a stick vacuum to solve your cleaning needs. Right now, you can grab the blue version of ...