Anime often presents characters initially seen as villains, only for their stories to reveal how wrong our opinions were ...
Anime isn't for everyone, but these Dragon Ball episodes are destined to turn the skeptical into lifelong fans.
You may not have tried romance anime before, but My Happy Marriage is a good a place to start as any. Revolving around a girl named Miyo being paired off to the cold, calculating commander Kudou ...
Hulu remains a great platform for watching some of the best anime, especially as the medium ... story beats from its heroes. Though it may not meet the standard of its predecessor, Dragon Ball ...
When a Gundam anime is good, it typically has a compelling viewpoint on humanity and conflict that runs further than its anti ...
When you use AI to make sexy art of classic anime characters, you'll have to face the long arm of the Japanese law.
Beyond Journey’s End redefines Shonen anime with its deep and well-written female leads who set a gold standard.
When I talk to people about shōjo, many instantly think of romance, and that's in line with general “wisdom” about what ladies like to read – just look at the romance novel industry in the ...
The Big 3, including One Piece, Naruto, and Bleach, were iconic classics that popularized anime worldwide. The concept of a new Big 3 in modern anime culture is debated due to the abundance of ...
The long-awaited Anime TFT is finally arriving! Anime Auto Chess is set to officially launch in January, featuring numerous new elements, customizations, and game modes. Let us take a closer look ...
If you're hooked and want more anime recommendations in a similar vein ... However, upon meeting the queen, he discovers that her motives may not be as cruel and totalitarian as long assumed.