The documentary, directed by Oscar-nominated filmmaker Smriti Mundhra for MTV Documentary Films, focuses on the days leading up to Ramirez's execution as he sought forgiveness from his victim’s son.
The president directed the attorney general to take “all appropriate action to seek the overruling” of high court precedents ...
Brenda Andrew was convicted of murder in a 2004 trial where prosecutors presented evidence about her sex life.
The valor of three World War II heroes, all recognized with the Medal of Honor, should be remembered as America reflects on its role in the world.
The Supreme Court on Tuesday ordered lower courts to review the case of the only woman on Oklahoma's death row over concerns ...
The Supreme Court on Tuesday revived a challenge by a death row inmate in Oklahoma who claims prosecutors “sex-shamed” her ...
The Supreme Court on Tuesday sided with an Oklahoma woman on death row who argued that extensive evidence about her “sex life ...
President Joe Biden awards Pope Francis the Presidential Medal of Freedom with Distinction, the highest civilian honor in the ...
Biden, the nation's second Catholic president, spoke with the pontiff to name him a recipient of the award, the White House ...
ROME — President Joe Biden awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom with Distinction to Pope Francis on Saturday, granting ...
Today, President Biden spoke with His Holiness Pope Francis and named him as a recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom ...
President Biden, a Catholic, awarded the medal with distinction to the pontiff, to whom he has turned for personal guidance.