There are only a few Legendary Strand submachine guns in Destiny 2, and unless you’re an active raider, there aren’t many good options to take into PvE. Heresy Act Two introduced a solution to all ...
Here’s how to grab the Hatchling catalyst for Barrow-Dyad in Destiny 2. While the previous catalyst required you to finish an ...
Destiny 2’s repertoire of Heretical weapons expanded in Heresy Act 2 and one of the best additions might surprise you.
Destiny 2's new Exotic sensation, the Barrow-Dyad Submachine Gun, is a new Strand SMG. Like many previous Exotic weapons, this gear piece also consists of four craftable Catalysts. Players can ...
Refusal of the Call is a new Glaive added as a seasonal weapon in Destiny 2 Heresy Act II. This new Strand weapon is the only one of its kind, as the game severely lacks the element in the Glaive ...
Both Act 2 of Episode Heresy and Guardian Games drop unique weapons old and new, each with their respective god rolls and ...
Vorok, Sentinel Eternal, is a secret boss you can find in three different locations in Destiny 2 and beat for a weekly quest ...
Destiny 2 Heresy Act 2 is set to begin very soon ... Bungie is dropping weapons with interesting perks such as “Sword Logic on a Strand Glaive,” and there will be Adept versions for each ...
In this Destiny 2 guide, we’ll walk you through where to ... so make sure you have revive tokens on hand or Strand grapple equipped. When you spawn into the Mausoleum from the Trenchway ...
Two Catalysts for Exotic Strand SMG Barrow-Dyad will be obtainable ... element grants a period of increased Super damage. Destiny 2’s annual Guardian Games event returns with Heresy Act 2 ...